News Articles
New Association Management Company
Posted on May 1st, 2020
We have a new Management Company. Real Estate Investor Service out of Elmhurst. Charles Freitag Jr. will be our contact with the management company. You can find all the payment information and the welcome letter under the document portion of the website.
The phone number for the Management company is 630-941-0135.
Click here to view their Welcome Letter
To Mail Assessment
Posted on Apr 16th, 2013
Make the check payable to Amber Fields
Amber Fields Condo Assoc
C/O Real Estate Investor Service
PO BOX 497
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Be sure to put your address on the check if it is not in the address box.
Residents-Community Rules Enforcement
Posted on Mar 22nd, 2009
Please familiarize yourself with the by-laws for this community. It is important that the declaration signed by each owner are followed in order to maintain a first class community. Violations of the bylaws will be addressed on an individual basis and will not be included in any webpostings. The most common issues continue to be related to pets, parking and outdoor lights. Please help us make the community stand out as the best in the area by adhering to the community rules. Your cooperation and involvement in your neighborhood are appreciated.
Crime-Free Ordinance information
Posted on Dec 29th, 2008
Those who own a non-owner-occupied residential property in the city are required to have it registered and licensed. All single-unit, two-unit and multiple-unit buildings are subject to the same requirement. Buildings may be registered at the city\'s Department of Neighborhood Standards, One South Broadway, Aurora, Illinois 60505 (630-897-4589). License verification may be made by contacting this number as well. Application forms are available on the city\'s Web site at www.aurora-il.org. The quick link on the home page will take you to applications, approved bilingual lease addenda, adopted ordinances and other beneficial information concerning licensing and inspections. Registration may also be done by mail.
Update Your Member Profile
Posted on Nov 2nd, 2008
Please take a few moments to update your member profile. Your profile can be set to private if you would prefer all or some of your information not be viewed. Some fields are automatically private. This information will help us provide better information to you as well as create community groups based on shared interests. Thank you for your participation in the community. You can also fill out the Census Form